Saturday, March 18, 2017

What is this thing called PLN?

PLN.  I have to admit at first I was skeptical about the term.  I watched the video three times and read the article several times.  After our CLC online discussion, and some reflection, I've finally made the connection to it and me as a professional.  Sometimes we as teachers get bogged down in our day to day and all the demands put on us, that we don't take a step back and reflect and consider.  Maybe after 19 years under my belt, I just move through it all automatically.  Well, that saying...You can't teach an old dog new really can.  And having a PLN helps teach those new tricks.

Since our building has been, in my opinion, one that has used technology for a long time now, the knowledge I have gained has been through my #9LN (School 9 Learning Network).  Co-teachers talked me into Facebook, introduced me to Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers. I can say I am a strong lurker on all of these forums! Google went nuts within our building and I took district Google online courses to be able to use Classroom and Forms and Slides.  To present it to my students as a means for work and research has been eye opening, for me as well as them.  The change from paper/pencil, from teacher-led to technical paper/pencil and student-choice/self-lead has been bumpy, error-filled, and exciting all at once.  
My PLN has mostly been via word of mouth.  I'm on several teams where we discuss the latest this or suggest to go try that.  There is even a Teacher/Leaders Team at our school via Google Classroom where lesson ideas are posted for all to see and try. But I can see having a Social Media PLN would open up even more avenues and hopefully, inspire me.  I can see how it would contribute even more to my learning as a teacher and zero in on an educational focus. It may even give me food for thought. While I currently share with my colleagues, I never share outside of that circle...not even with other district buildings/teachers. I'm sure I have some good ideas or successful lesson plans that maybe others would like to take a look at.  Sharing will be a goal for me.  I look forward to building new relationships in education.  This "old dog" is always open for new tricks!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

First Time Blogger

Hey Everyone!!

This is my first time blogging.  I'm not quite sure what's going on but here goes!

My name is Patti Seltzer.  I teach 3rd grade at School #9 Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary. I am not brand new to using technology in my classroom, but I am a slow mover.  I have used many apps with my class such as reading and math support/programs.  I have created a Google classroom this year.  I've made assignments, embedding links, for the kids to go in and use.  I've created tests and created writing assignments.  My students love doing their writing pieces in classroom.  They are learning Tynker (me too) and like playing around with it.  

I guess my goal with this CLC is to become stronger in my use of technology with my students.  I'd like to learn more uses and refine what I already use. I have a passion for creating lessons and units that my students really like to do.  My fears would include creating a great lesson and then losing it somewhere in the clouds.  I also hate creating assignments, thinking they are ready to go for the kids, and then when they go to the assignments there are glitches. I guess I will learn through these mistakes.

I also have a life out of school (which is hard to notice at times) that includes my daughter and son.  Sarah is 29 and planning a wedding for May of 2018.  Matthew is 22 and is new to the work force.  He still lives with his mommy and I'm good with it (for the time being!!)

Sarah and Matt

I also enjoy reading, reality shows, and doing things with my friends!  One of my favorite reality shows is Survivor...I've watched it since it began!  This is Season 34!!

I really look forward to learning more about this blogging thing and finding my voice and purpose for blogging.  Combining my role as a teacher with this blogging thing is exciting and nerve-tickling.  It should be interesting!