Friday, April 7, 2017

I've got plans...BIG plans!

This week's assignment for Planning and Goal Setting has stirred the brain cells big time! SAMR...Authentic Learning...Backward Design! Video lessons and note taking!  It's more than meets the eye!

I was planning on teaching Point of View with my students after we survived our adventure with NYState ELA testing.  So bringing that standard for learning over to this CLC was an easy enough idea.  POV is another strategy that will promote deeper comprehension of text, so that's the WHY of the lesson.  Little did I know the idiosyncrasies involved with this lesson plan would be so numerous!  I researched the concepts behind POV and browsed for ideas.  Many caught my eye. I would mull it all over in my head on the drive to and from work.  I met with a few mentors and used them as sounding boards as well as asked for and received advice and ideas. So I felt pretty ready to tackle the lesson design!

Making sure to hit all areas of Authentic Learning was easy enough. And Backward Design was doable too!  It was the SAMR part that really made me do some thinking.  And I kept questioning whether my ideas were actually hitting the M and R of the SAMR model.  At this point, I think I have succeeded in reaching those levels with my lesson...although I could be wrong!! But it really made me think and re-think about what I wanted my students to be able to do. The tech side of it all makes you consider so many things.  Was I pushing them beyond the old methods?  As I wrote and revised my plan, I wondered if maybe I was pushing too much?  The transfer part using technology seems intense...I need to teach my students how to make a Google Slide, how to make a Google Form and be able to link it into a to link a video from Youtube AND an app like ChatterPix Kids or Fotofriend into the to share the work with others in our room and a neighbor's room, and how to give others an opportunity to show response on their slides.  They will need to decide on design and create characters. They will be juggling a few balls on this one! So I've chosen to work with a large group of my highest achieving students to produce this Google Slide Show.  They have been known to teach me a thing or two about technology.  They love being on their chromes and love learning new things on it. So I'm pretty sure I can get them on the tech train easily.  I know in my head what the outcome of such a seemingly big plan could look would be so cool for them!! The silliness and fun of acting like the book characters to convey POV will get them highly engaged. But getting there will be the challenge for us all! I can't wait to start, though!  


  1. You will do fine on this project. Your students have had a lot of exposure to google slides this year. I will be curious to see how much they remember about assembling slides. Let me know if you need any support.

    1. Oh, you will definitely be in on this loop!! I know I will need tech support! I'm going to play around with it over the break to work out kinks and create tech "how-to" mini-posters for the kids to follow.

  2. You go girl!!! Way to accept the challenge! Good luck!

  3. I like the idea of exposing them to so many different types of technologies. I also think it is a great idea to just try it with a small sample of students first to see how it goes! I can't wait to see how these come out.

  4. You're kids will definitely have a great time with this project, especially since they've already been exposed to the technology. So Robin and Nick will be the Go-to Team. By the way, I hear they both love pie.

  5. Your class will have a great time putting this work together. I hope I have been some help if even just an ear to talk through your ideas and lending you my old ipads for chatterpix...

  6. It sounds like a very engaging project. I'm sure your kids will have a blast. Don't forget to add this lesson to the teacher leader folder.

  7. WOW! Sounds like a big project but if anyone can get it done with your kiddos its you!

  8. Boy, I didn't know you were so introspective. I am reading this blog and your next blog on technology helping writing. Regarding the transfer part, it seems to me that the kids pick up and remember these things so much quicker than I do. It is a lot of work, but they seem to hold on to it.
